The story revolves around the meeting of Colonel Mansour (Majed El Masry), the head of the Anti-Narcotics Bureau, with his old lover, Salma (Athar El...
Ashgal Shaqa
Reem's mother dies after being in a heavy accident, so her daughter puts the suffering that happened to her before her eyes, as their mother suffered...
Qaffas al-Harim
Hassan Musharraf, a reformist, came from the countryside looking for a role in the capital. Meets different models of young deviant within the...
Precausion is Mandatory
Moufida tries to prove that her sister's husband, Sabri, killed her only sister, Hind. She marries Sabri and resorts to a famous lawyer who loved her...
Makhalib aimraa
An honest lawyer who only defends the innocent faces an ethical dilemma when his daughter's boss, a businessman and a smuggler, gets in trouble with...
Al lo'ba Al Qazera
Businessman Hamdi decides to take revenge on Abdel Hamid, Mustafa and Badr for their testimony against his brother Saeed, who is proven guilty of...
The innocent and the executioner
The film revolves around a lawyer who runs an office for the compensation mafia. His daughter is shocked when she discovers the truth, as she is a...
Fatat Al-Mafia