The film revolves around romantic Adel (Samo Zein) and the simple girl Nesma (Zeina) dreaming of a quiet family that combines them, but his mother...
Ninety Minutes
Hamdy lives with his wife Nadia and her young sister Samiha. He loves his wife’s sister and decide to get rid of his wife by killing her.
The Peacock
Hoda, a poor girl, gets the chance to marry a millionaire and travel with him. When she returns to Egypt, she establishes her own business where she...
Huda and His Excellency the Minister
Nasser 56 is a 1996 Egyptian historical film directed by Mohamed Fadel, starring Ahmed Zaki. The film focuses on the nationalization of the Suez...
Nasser 56
A corrupt minister sends his men to kill his mistress's husband to look like a suicide, but the forensic doctor sees otherwise and is kidnapped in...
The Day Demon
Yaseen is a lawyer who works for senior attorney, Kamaal. When he discovers that Kamal is involved in an illegal business with a tycoon, he gets...
Italia's War
A play in the streets of Mohammed Ali through a musical and performance ensemble, which is linked to a love story with her neighbor, will she achieve...
Mohamad Ali's Street
Debes, who works in a large gang in a drug case, is arrested and threatens to reveal the secrets of the gang. The senior lawyer, Naji, defends him...
Ragol lehaza alzaman