Ambitious pilot to a prospective series revolving around a combat cameraman in Vietnam. Carl Danton is in Saigon on assignment at the start of the...
Fly Away Home
This made-for-television film documents the takeover of the TWA airliner in flight from Athens to Rome in 1985. The focus is on the flight attendant,...
The Taking of Flight 847: The Uli Derickson Story
While holding a horror film festival, a group of film students find themselves stalked by a madman who may have a sinister connection to a cult...
Lenny Brown moves to California to find his fortune in tax shelter investments. When the federal government changes the tax laws, poor Lenny finds...
The Boost
A young woman returns home to care for her gravely ill grandmother, only to begin sleepwalking and envisioning spirits.
The Caretaker
A Marine Colonel and his men are sent abroad on hostage rescue mission. When they arrive, they find the hostages dead and decide to get payback by...
Air Rage
Eva is a divorced soon-to-be empty-nester wondering about her next act. Then she meets Marianne, the embodiment of her perfect self. Armed with a...
Enough Said