In an enchanted forest, the princely brothers Michael and Andreas get lost and are transformed, by a mountain spirit who jealously guards his...
Snow-White and Rose-Red
The merchant's daughter Constanze, begs her father to ask a lion for a favor. Her father approaches the lion who agrees to his request with one...
The Prince Beyond the Seven Seas
Bibi receives an invitation to the traditional witch Halloween of the old witches Mania, Walpurgia and Runzia. It's a huge honor - up until now,...
Bibi Blocksberg: Halloween mit Hex-hex!
A couple assassins are taking a job which will bring the whole world in disorder.
Sex, Dogz and Rock n Roll
The beautiful world of Gaya is home to two similar humanoid species: Zeldons who are the furry majority residents, and Snurks, who are goblin-like...
Back to Gaya
A Greek father, estranged from his German wife, kidnaps his daughter from her busy career mother in Berlin, and brings her home to live with his...
My Daughter Belongs to Me
Susanne's dream vacation in Florida ends in tragedy. She learns that she has been cheated on by her husband Michael and a little later he is killed...
Tod in Miami
On the night of August 24, 1944, the fate of Paris rests with General von Choltitz, who plans to destroy the city on Hitler's orders. As the general...
Berühmte Ärzte der Charité: Der kleine Doktor