Bushido - Deutschland gib mir ein Mic - Live
Bushido - 7 - Live
Bushido - Heavy Metal Payback - Live
Bushido - Zeiten ändern dich (Live durch Europa)
After the bestselling book comes the film about Germany's most successful rapper: authentic, provocative and radical. Despite all his successes,...
Times Change You
Electro Ghetto
In the documentary, the rapper Bushido speaks in detail about his publicly announced break with the powerful Abou Chaker clan. The Spiegel TV...
Bushido gegen die Clans - Für die Familie
Sonny Black II: Der Realtalk
Bushido - König für immer
So far he has earned his living as deputy editor-in-chief at the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt, but actually Horst Schlämmer had always guessed: he...
Horst Schlämmer - Isch kandidiere!