Zimmer mit Stall - Berge versetzen
In order to save her mountain guesthouse from ruin, Sopie plans to build a glass extension with a pool as an attraction. She comes up with this...
Zimmer mit Stall - Tierisch gute Ferien
Pension landlady Sophie imagined her job as mayor differently: not even the garbage collection works anymore! In order to defuse the scandal, she...
Zimmer mit Stall - Schwiegermutter im Anflug
Zimmer mit Stall - So ein Zirkus
Recently, a tragedy deeply shook the siblings Sarah and Kevin. Their parents died in a car accident. Sarah suffers greatly from the loss. She is...
Voices in my Head
It is a compilation of episodes from season 9. The two parts of the feature film include episodes 105-117.
Die Pfefferkörner - Alles auf Anfang
Im Tunnel
Zimmer mit Stall - Feuer unterm Dach
Die Pfefferkörner - Endspurt
Werner Träsch, who has just moved into an apartment with his great love Gabi Hertz, surprises her with a trip to Fuerteventura on the second...
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Die Streunerin
Alleine (+1)
Echoes of Juno