A romantic tale, the story begins with Chiru (Chranjeevi Sarja) who grows as an orphan and leads a good life. But his life takes a turn with the...
Khakii is a romantic action drama film written and directed By Naviin Reddy B and produced by Manasa Tarun, Tarun Shivappa under Tarun Talkies...
No one has entered a biography for him.
While the Heroine, a young medical student is researching why split personality exists in humans, she is introduced to the Hero who often behaves...
Ajith is a 2014 Kannada film directed by Mahesh Babu starring Chiranjeevi Sarja and Nikki Galrani. The movie follows the journey of two strangers, a...
Whistle ....Hodi Magaa is an Indian Kannada film directed by Prashant Raj of Love Guru Fame. The story begins on a romantic note with Ram, a pizza...
Ten contestants of a reality show, who come from different backgrounds, are taken to a secluded island. When some of them get killed one after...
Two journalists, both working for two different news channels don't really like each other, but the equation between them changes when fate puts the...
Samhaara is a 2018 Indian Kannada action thriller directed by Guru Deshpande. It features Chiranjeevi Sarja, Hariprriya and Kavya Shetty along with...
Ram helps a couple elope. It turns out that the girl is the daughter of a dreaded don. Through his misadventures, he falls in love with Chandrakala,...
Rudra Tandava follows a timid young man who has a loving family. When his brother, a government official, is murdered, the protagonist and his father...
Rudra Tandava
A ghost named Maya becomes the common link between Arjun, an artist in London, and Sharmila, a single mom and struggling actress from Bengaluru.
Seizer movie is a sytlish action entertainer movie written and directed by Vinay Krishna and produced by Trivikram Sapalya while Chandan Shetty...
Sinnga (Chiranjeevi Sarja) is a short-tempered, which lands him in a lot of trouble with the police. His mother Janakamma (Tara) wants him to get...
April D'Souza is a psychiatrist with a gift for reading people and seeing through them. When a mysterious envelope arrives at her doorstep one day,...
On the advice of a saint, a rich man crosses all boundaries to restore his mother's health as she is on her deathbed. In order to do that, he must...
Amma I Love You
A man gets a call from his ex-lover who needs his help to find her kidnapped daughter but during the investigation, all the evidence suggests that...
The conscientious policeman ACP Surya is a powerful and efficient officer who works for law and order and protects people. One day when he is chasing...
Dandam Dashagunam: The Police
Four people who decide to commit suicide at a resort find themselves haunted by a vengeful ghost. (A remake of the Telugu film Prema Katha Chitram...