The story revolves around Jakob, Bo and Mikkel - three friends who spend their days lusting over unattainable women and engaging in a variety of...
Kick 'n Rush
When Karoline has an unwanted pregnancy, she makes a plan to give the baby to her childless sister – for a large amount of money in return.
Lykkelige omstændigheder
A romantic drama set in Denmark in 1913, the story follows Anton, a noble and conscientious young man whose top priority is to complete his training...
The Kiss
Set in the early 1960s, the story revolves around high school sweethearts Jonas and Agnete, their friendships and families, trials and tribulations.
Aching Hearts
The 1992 Danish football team competes for the European Championship.
Summer of '92
Janus has just left a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt. His only reason to live has been letters from his high school friend Amina. When...
Letters to Amina
Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car towed away,...
The Kindness of Strangers
A gifted engineer flees his austere roots to pursue wealth and success among Copenhagen's elite. As he rises through the ranks of society, the pride...
A Fortunate Man
Ditte and Louise are two middle-aged actresses who realize that the only thing the industry has left to offer them are roles like mothers or as...
Ditte & Louise
HELD FOR RANSOM tells the true story of Danish photojournalist Daniel Rye who was held hostage for 398 days in Syria by the terror organization ISIS...
Held for Ransom