During World War II, a young boy and girl, living with their respective families in an apartment house that had restrictions against pets, adopt a...
A Boy, a Girl and a Dog
A chronic runaway bride is haunted by her conscience, who becomes reality.
It Had to Be You
The plot finds Steve/Durango attempting to capture ex-Civil War guerilla fighter Miller who may be the man who's been going around knocking down...
Renegades of the Sage
Best friends Judy and Carol compete for the affection of an older man during their high school dance. As Carol tries to rekindle Judy's relationship...
A Date with Judy
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of...
Sorrowful Jones
The French Surete and private eye Higgins are after a killer who uses innocent young Americans in a crooked gambling racket, and who sets sail on an...
The Great Lover