Returning from Afghanistan, Jessica, a Spec OPS Marine, finds herself in a war she never imagined and discovers middle America suburbia has changed...
The Vigilante
Based on a true story, this drama chronicles the life of Sergio Marquez (Julien Cesario) raised in a broken home and surrounded by the violence of...
Time in Between
Into the 9.6-quaked Los Angeles of 2013 comes Snake Plissken. His job: wade through L.A.'s ruined landmarks to retrieve a doomsday device.
Escape from L.A.
Brad is about to hook up with the girl of his dreams, but runs into a problem, no condom. So Brad sets out into the night to find one, running into...
Trojan War
Miguel is the perfect coyote: dedicated, single-minded, his record unblemished. His home is the winding path of the migrant: the back alley gravel,...
The Boatman
Life changed for Alejandro Reis - Alex - in just a few brief moments when he discovers that he is not an American citizen. His parents brought him...
Foreign Land
A rogue soldier turned outlaw is thrust into a relentless fight with a corrupt sheriff, his obedient deputies, and a dangerous drug cartel in order...
Close Range
Fleeing gang violence, a young boy from Honduras is arrested crossing the US border and sent to an immigrant detention facility. Trapped inside the...
When an angry teenager discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.
Billy Boy
A getaway driver finds himself in harm's way when he gets caught up in a job involving casino heist money leading to a debt over his head.
The Refuge