When Katie meets Paco, they fall in love. From this an extraordinary child is born; Ricky, who quickly develops into something wonderful and not so...
Julie Bataille is fed up with student jobs. At 23, with a 5-years university degree, she wants to work for real. She meets Ben by chance at a job...
Living on Love Alone
After leaving the asylum, Vincent van Gogh settles in the home of Doctor Gachet, where he keeps painting amidst the torments of his failing mental...
Van Gogh
Histoires : Marie Antoinette
Jacques, 50-something bachelor painter and great seducer, is about to receive the charming Claire for dinner. Broke but clever, Jacques concocted a...
Tender Souls
The summer, in Dordogne. Between thwarted romances and comedy, a working amateur theatre troupe perturbs the holidays of a great actor and his wife....
Julie est amoureuse
Diffident Frederic never wanted to be drafted into the military, but seeing as he has no choice, he does his job with the same lack of caring that he...
Le cri de Tarzan