Oplev Biblen fortalt, som du aldrig har hørt den før, i en blanding af skuespil, rap og komedy med tryllekunstneren Rune Klan, rapperne...
Linda P'S Hovedpine
Linda P's Sabotagehunger
A story about one summer from the life of 7 years old Marin.
The Beginning of a Story
Alex Klein is a bankrupt real estate executive whose life is on a collision course. Not only do the market and his career look like a Trabant from...
Black Balls
Winnie & Karina - The Movie
”Rommen er en tøjte” er spækket med skarp stand-up fra Lindas fortid, nutid såvel som fremtid, historier fra...
Linda P: Rommen er en tøjte
When clairvoyant Pernille meets Journalist Daniel, who is on a mission to write an exposé about Fact & Fiction in the clairvoyant world,...
Something in the Air
Linda P og Mig
In the comedy ' undercover ' is to be Denmark's worst police officer Muhammed on his first undercover mission. The only problem is that it is small...
Livet i nødsporet - The Movie
Linda P - Normal?
Winnie & Karina - hvem kom først?
Comedy Aid 2018
Linda P is once again ready to come on stage. This time with a show called Linda P's talk show – including talk and show. The name comes from...
Linda P's Talk Show - With Talk and Show
Buster, 11, loves everything about his life. He’s an optimist who knows that the going can get tough, but if you apply a little magic and a lot...
Buster's World
Linda P: Slutty Mary