The small town of Forrest Lakes faces terrifying incidents linked to the legend of a bullied child's vengeful spirit, exacting revenge on the camp...
Camp Terror
When the threat of a Dragon arises, The Baron sends three warriors to slay it before it can ravage the land.
The Cavern of Necrodon
Coleman Dobbs has returned from prison seeking revenge on the judge who sentenced him. What better way to extract his revenge than by taking the only...
Above Snakes
A frustrated, ordinary man receives sympathy--and a job offer--from the Devil himself.
The Shift
While trying to find where her younger brother wandered off to, Jenny and David, must search an abandoned wrecking yard with a horrifying history.
Hot Rod Horror
Five City slickers go on a weekend hunting trip that they will never forget, if they come out alive. Being on the wrong side of a property line can...
Trespass Into Terror
About three people hidden in a room, trying to figure out what to do with their zombie bitten brother. When the younger brother who is chained to the...