Based on an excerpt from Dawson's autobiographical book 'It Gets Worse.' The story follows Teresa, Dawson's mother, as she prays and plans for a...
The Lottery
The nightmare is real. When a group of college graduates celebrate with an upcoming trip through the woods, the darkest corners of reality and their...
Dream Screechers
A once successful P.R. Specialist deals with the trials and tribulations of managing a local grocery store known as "The Yellow Bird" while...
Yellow Bird
An aspirational writer working as a teacher takes his students on a field trip to explore the history of an off-the-map ghost town, which happens to...
A music engineer helps a young music aficionado compose a beat for a once-in-lifetime competition in a mall where nothing ever happens.
Set between the New World (Heaven) and the Old World (Earth) the story follows the life and afterlife of Jonathan Stone and all of those lives around...
When a young woman, Lola, is invited to a secret facility, she discovers an experiment beyond space and time. After uncovering her own past life as a...
One and the Same
Tells the story of a woman who moves from California to New York. The song draws parallels with Duritz's personal journey and his own struggles with...
Butter Miracle Suite One
Bruce, recently diagnosed with cancer, is looking to create one final happy memory with his family, but the universe seems to refuse to let that...
The Last Fry