A selection of Dermot Morgan's family, friends, colleagues and admirers, including Pat Shortt, Oliver Callan and Pauline Mc Lynn, look back on the...
Dermot Morgan - Fearless Funnyman
A man on a bridge considers ending it all but is hampered by a nosey seagull.
Cod & Chips
PJ's First Live Stand Up DVD! Filmed LIVE at a SOLD OUT Vicar Street Theatre in Dublin, this DVD features NAKED CAMERA'S PJ Gallagher tearing his...
PJ Gallagher - Take After Yourself and be smile
A young Prince is visited by the Ghost of his father and compelled to vengeance - but can he stop thinking for long enough to do it?
Two teenage boys from inner-city Cork steal bicycles and ride off on a 160km quest to find an unrecovered bale of cocaine worth 7,000,000 euros.
The Young Offenders
Hang on to your seatbelts for a mad whistle-stop ride with PJ Gallagher, as he tours his hilarious new show 'Just Jokes' around the nation. Filmed at...
PJ Gallagher - Just Jokes
A man has a nightmare journey home following a vasectomy.