The tragic story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted by two men. Amidst a landscape of rural hardship and a community consumed with...
This Filthy Earth
A distinguished military leader whose reign was touched by great scandal, shocking betrayals and rousing victories. A simple shepherd boy chosen to...
Chloe Keane is an stressed American fashion model living in London who is about to have the worst weekend of her life. She and her boyfriend are...
The tale of two brothers with serious financial woes. When a third party proposes they turn to crime, things go bad and the two become enemies.
Cassandra's Dream
A dramatization of the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenham car plant, where female workers walked out in protest against sexual discrimination.
Made in Dagenham
A young American hustler in Las Vegas spots a rich English Lady. Smitten, he pursues her to England, where his only chance of getting together with...
Oxford Blues
Gertie, called Flo by her friends, sees her big chance of a model carreer, when she manages to get the business card of successful model Chantal at a...
Sixteen-year-old Otis loathes school. He wants to be a professional footballer, but is good at drawing, so his mother wants him to be a draughtsman....
Sunshine in Brixton
Paul reunites with his schoolmate Kim, and finds out she's actually a woman who has transitioned since they last met. She has no desire to stir up...
Different for Girls
Angel, a woman who was horribly abused by her grandmother as a little girl and institutionalized after killing her, embarks on a killing spree as an...
Comedy drama about the trials and tribulations of three sets of parents as they finally realise that their children have grown up and reluctantly...
Eskimo Day
Teenager Diane Weaver lives in a small council flat with her brooding father, the groundskeeper of a local church. What no one realises, is how close...
Val and Tony set up home in a disused railway goods-yard. It is more than just a squat and draws them closer together than they have ever been.
There's No Place...
Kipper is obsessed with Manor Park Football Club. At his workplace, this obsession attracts the derision of two of his colleagues. Meanwhile, Manor...
A musical adaptation of Colin MacInnes' novel about life in late 1950s London. Nineteen-year-old photographer Colin is hopelessly in love with model...
Absolute Beginners
Out on parole after 8 years inside Bill Hayward returns home to find his now 11 and 15 year old sons abandoned by their mother and fending for...
Wild Bill
Daisy is the love of Ken's life - she is also large... and very pretty... and on the dole. But Ken is a dreamer, all his dreams to make a fast buck...
Secret Society
Breaking Glass is the story of punk singer Kate and her meteoric rise to stardom. Starting out in the rock pubs of London, Kate, assisted by her...
Breaking Glass
In 1863, Amsterdam Vallon returns to the Five Points of America to seek vengeance against the psychotic gangland kingpin, Bill the Butcher, who...
Gangs of New York
Early in his crime-solving career, Sherlock Holmes attempts to prevent Moriarty from cornering the heroin market.
Sherlock: Case of Evil
The real-life story of Dublin folk hero and criminal Martin Cahill, who pulled off two daring robberies in Ireland with his team, but attracted...
The General
Parallel stories: 18th century Harrison builds the marine chronometer for safe navigation at sea; 20th century Gould is obsessed with restoring it.
Underworld boss Bernie 'Tenderness' Mellick is certainly paying a heavy price for maiming Ivor Wright in a firebombing. For Wright's men have now...
Harpur and Iles: Protection
Teenager Jimmy's life begins to unravel after the death of his father. With his mother promiscuous and his new stepfather and stepbrother difficult...
Young aristocrat Anthony Raine returns home from India to find the farmers of Pembrokeshire protesting about the rates of a tollgate run by The...
Rebecca's Daughters
Teenagers Susan and David live with their widowed mother Sheila. They wake up one morning to find no sign of their mother, and organise a party for...
Mum, Where Are You?
'You said I'm a teacher as if that makes me into a boss. I'm just someone who has to be here, same as you.' Redfern, a student teacher, thinks...
A Martyr to the System