After the death of his mother, twelve-year-old Martin joins his unknown father in Africa. Newly conceived by this father, who is more worried about...
Le Maître des éléphants
In the village of Pama, Sirga the lioness and Oule the young boy, born the same day, grow up together as sister and brother. Oule discovers the world...
The Lion Child
This is a charming and successful farce from director Thomas Gilou, featuring a witty screenplay co-authored by producer Monique Annaud. When a group...
Black Mic Mac
Each evening, four men – a doctor, a journalist, a professor and a merchant – meet up in a deserted bar to play cards. As they play, the...
The Nonentity
Marie has had a tough childhood ever since her mother Elisa committed suicide. She has spent most of her life in an orphanage and now makes a living...
Lucien Hastier, known as "Lulu", is a locksmith in La Courneuve and a communist activist. He had never known his parents and had been raised by the...
Lulu, roi de France