A documentary produced for Universal about their early Wolf Man film(s)
The Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern Myth
Documentary about the great 1940s horror movie producer Val Lewton, featured on the 2005 DVD release "The Val Lewton Horror Collection."
Shadows in the Dark: The Val Lewton Legacy
A newly produced, feature-length documentary by filmmaker Daniel Griffith, featuring interviews with John Landis, David Naughton, Joe Dante and more
Mark of The Beast: The Legacy of the Universal Werewolf
Filmmakers and film historians discuss the original Fly trilogy.
Fly Trap: Catching a Classic
Film historians, and producer Richard Gordon, talk about the horror movie career of cult star Bela Lugosi.
Lugosi: The Dark Prince
Tribute to Universal make-up artist Jack Pierce who created some of the studio's most famous works including Frankenstein's Monster, the Wolf Man,...
He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art of Jack Pierce
A short documentary about the classic Universal Monster actor, Lon Chaney, Jr.
Pure in Heart: The Life and Legacy of Lon Chaney, Jr.
Masters of Magic: The World of Chandu
A documentary about the making of the movie "Dragonwyck"
A House of Secrets: Exploring 'Dragonwyck'
Filmmakers and historians discuss the 1942 cult classic Dr. Renault’s Secret.
Horror’s Missing Link: Rediscovering Dr. Renault’s Secret
A selection of news reports chronicling the outbreak of the zombie epidemic experienced in Dawn of the Dead (2004).
Special Report: Zombie Invasion
Documentary on the making of 'Beneath the Planet of the Apes' (1970).
From Alpha to Omega: Building a Sequel
Documentary on the parallels between United States racial politics and the narrative of 'Conquest for the Planet of the Apes' (1972).
Riots & Revolutions: Confronting the Times
Documentary on the making and impact of "House of Wax".
House of Wax: Unlike Anything You've Seen Before!
A behind-the-scenes short about the making of the 1991 Mel Brooks film "Life Stinks".
Life Stinks: Does Life Really Stink?
Film historians, and producer Richard Gordon, talk about the horror movie career of cult star Boris Karloff.
Karloff: The Gentle Monster
This short documentary takes a look at the making of Twentieth Century Fox's 1944 film "The Lodger".
Man In the Attic: The Making of "The Lodger"
A look at the life and films of the expressionistic movie and television director John Brahm.
Concerto Macabre: The Films of John Brahm
A biography of the short-lived character actor Laird Cregar.
The Tragic Mask: The Laird Cregar Story
An appreciation of the film "Horror Express" by filmmaker Steve Haberman.
Ticket to Die: Steve Haberman on Horror Express
Documentary on the Mummy film(s) by Universal Studios.
Unraveling the Legacy of the Mummy
An in-depth look at the Lon Chaney Sr. horror classic and other "Phantom" films.
The Phantom of the Opera: Unmasking the Masterpiece