A group of German boys are ordered to protect a small bridge in their home village during the waning months of the second world war. Truckloads of...
The Bridge
In 1523, young Thomas Müntzer arrives with his wife Ottilie in the Thuringian village Allstedt to assume the rectorate. As a follower of...
Thomas Müntzer
The young orphan Helga is raised by her aunt after WW II. At the age of sixteen, she turns her back to go her own way. As a rambler, Helga wanders...
Ein Mädchen von 16 ½
Die Friedhöfe
Der Zug der Zeit
Das Freudenhaus
A teenager named Kurrat mysteriously disappears from a German boys' school. Then a teacher is found dead; the mystery grows.
School of Fear
During World War II, three German soldiers are withdrawn from combat when one of them, Stroszek, is wounded. They are assigned to a small coastal...
Signs of Life
The story of the Battle of Stalingrad from the perspective of a Panzer commander and an officer in a penal battalion.
A car factory in the GDR. During a test ride there is a major accident. One driver is dead, another is seriously injured. The investigation reveals:...
They All Knew Each Other
Waldhausstraße 20
Geibelstraße 27
Flight in Danger
Berlin, 1936. Athletes and visitors from all over the world have come to the city to take part in the Olympic Games. Anti-Fascists use the...
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